Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Save the Ferrets!

I am new to the blogging world, but hopefully with some time, practice, and motivation, I'll be able to have a wonderful blog up so my friends and family can keep in touch!

But before I end, how about a funny story. Yesterday, I decided to go grocery shopping since I had yet to buy groceries since coming back from Utah. I went to Whole Foods and did my usual shopping. The cashiers are usually really nice and I always have a great conversation with them but oh no, not yesterday. I bring in my own bags. For each bag you bring in, you can donate 10 cents to a given charity. They have three options: Saving trees, saving ferrets, or feeding humans. I kind of joked around with the clerk and with sarcasm said, "Oh I am SO saving the ferrets today... I mean, who cares if people eat when the ferrets of the world are dying." Unfortunately, I don't think the cashier caught my joke and was really excited that I was so eager to help the ferrets. She replied about how wonderful it is that these ferrets get the surgeries they need, etc. etc. I kind of just laughed and said, "I'm in healthcare and it's sad enough that humans don't get the surgeries they need. Sorry, I just am not into saving ferrets over humans." Needless to say, she was miffed. She wouldn't even look at me and it almost looked as if she was going to cry. I wasn't being mean or anything, but seriously!? Come on, it's a ferret!!!


Erin said...

Monica, cute story. Don't worry, I hate ferrets, one bit me once! And welcome to the blogging world. It's always nice to find new blogs!

Erin 'Seaman' Smith

Kyle said...

I'm excited to have another blog to add to my list of links on my blog! I'm torn between putting you on the friends or family list, because... You know, we're getting married and everything.

Stephanie said...

Monica I love the picture you chose. You look marvelous:) You already know you make me laugh and I love hangin' with you. I loved your first blog post about the ferrets! Keep em' coming. Oh, and make sure you do lots of blogs of your favorite sister, nephew, and....bro-in-law?!?! :)

Trevor Butler said...

That's an awesome story... for some reason i was reminded of the time when... you know what? I bet you'd prefer that the story I'm thinking of stays private. you've probably forgotten about it.

Lindsey said...

You crack me up...seriously I laughed out loud when I read about the ferret! Don't forget to check my blog....
Love you!